Can PT ease pain in the front of your ankle and the top of your foot?

Pain in Front of Ankle and Top of Foot

Are you experiencing pain in the front of your ankle and the top of your foot? You could be one of millions of Americans who also experience this type of pain. This condition particularly affects people aged 45 years and above, and can moderately hinder daily movement in about two-thirds of people experiencing this type of pain. 

Physical therapy is an important tool that can be used to help ease the pain in the front of your ankle and the top of your foot. Read on to learn some common causes of this pain combo and a few different PT techniques designed to help ease your pain.

What causes pain in the front of your ankle and the top of your foot?

  • Sprain — This is one of the most common types of ankle and foot injuries. Sprains can be caused by sudden stretching or sharp twisting of foot or ankle ligaments.
  • Strain — This is another common type of ankle and foot injuries. Strains can also result from sudden stretching or sharp twisting, but the injury affects either muscle or tendons, not ligaments.
  • Tendinitis — Tendinitis, which is the inflammation and swelling of tendons in the ankle, can come from overuse or infection. 
  • Arthritis — There are three types of arthritis that could contribute to your pain in the front of your ankle and the top of your foot: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis. 
  • Preexisting injury — Injuries from years ago can sometimes cause recurring pain in your foot and ankle. Broken bones and fractures, for instance, can lead to pain long after they occur.

What are some techniques that might be used during physical therapy?

A physical therapist is well equipped to help you handle your pain. They are specifically trained to assess your condition based on your description of your pain or discomfort and how your movements are affected. Once your physical therapist has assessed the state of your condition, they can come up with a treatment plan customized to you. Some of the techniques that may be included in your plan are:

Border TS is here to help address your foot and ankle pain

Are you looking for relief from pain in the front of your ankle and the top of your foot? Physical therapy from Border Therapy Services could be a great option for you. Our physical therapists are specially trained to help you on your wellness and recovery journey. They can offer you a free screening to pinpoint the source of your pain. Additionally, they can build you a personalized treatment plan for injury treatment and prevention.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.