Why pelvic health physical therapy is not just for women

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

The pelvis is the lower part of the human torso between the abdomen and the legs. It contains organs like the bladder and bowels, and it’s a common site of pain in women. 

It’s estimated that 10% of all gynecological referrals for women are for pelvic pain. Though less common, pelvic issues can also affect men. Physical therapists can help men learn what pelvic problems they may be dealing with. They can also treat many male pelvic issues with pelvic health physical therapy. 

What issues can pelvic health physical therapy treat in men? 

The male pelvis doesn’t typically have to deal with the same level of strain as a female pelvis. After all, men don’t have to deal with the physical rigors of childbirth. However, there are still plenty of conditions that can affect the male pelvis. 

Two common pelvic problems that men develop include: 

  1. Constipation — This condition’s primary symptom is difficulty moving your bowels. Someone is said to have constipation if they have fewer than three bowel movements per week. Often, this issue develops in people who have overly tight pelvic floor muscles. One study on constipation found that 12% of the men surveyed met the criteria for this pelvic issue. 
  1. Urinary incontinence — Medical researchers report that almost 14% of men develop urinary incontinence (UI). This issue involves difficulty controlling the flow of urine from the bladder. Older people are more likely to develop UI, but it can easily affect men and women of any age. 

What can pelvic health physical therapy involve?

Men with these or other pelvic issues can benefit from pelvic health physical therapy. Therapy specialists have a high level of expertise dealing with musculoskeletal disorders, including pelvic conditions. They also have multiple physical therapy techniques at their disposal that can help improve your symptoms. 

Therapy methods that your physical therapist could include in your program include: 

  • Biofeedback therapy to improve control over pelvic muscles and organs 
  • Therapeutic exercises that can increase strength in muscles that support pelvic structures 
  • Virtual therapy sessions where you meet with your physical therapist over an online video feed 
  • At-home care appointments in which you work with your physical therapist one-on-one in your own home 

Border Therapy Services offers top-notch pelvic health physical therapy

Are you a man dealing with a pelvic condition? Our Border Therapy Services team offers physical therapy that can help you manage and treat your pelvic issues. Our team will start by performing a comprehensive assessment to reveal the pelvic issues you’re dealing with. Next, we’ll create an individualized therapy plan for you that’s intended to reduce your symptoms and prevent similar issues in the future. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can assist with your pelvic condition or to schedule an initial appointment.