Will I develop sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy?

Sciatic Nerve Pain Pregnancy

It’s not guaranteed that every woman will develop sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, during pregnancy. However, there is a strong chance that most women will develop sciatica and lower back pain in the course of their pregnancy.

Just how commonly do women develop sciatica and lower back pain when pregnant? A study found that up to 80% of women experienced back pain while they were pregnant. Physical therapists can help women learn what’s causing their pregnancy-related pain. Even better, they can assist women in treating sciatic nerve pain and back pain during pregnancy. 

What can cause you to develop sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy?

One reason that sciatica is so common during pregnancy is that there are many issues that can cause it. This is true of sciatica in general. But the changes a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy are almost tailor-made to cause sciatica. A few of the issues that can trigger sciatica during pregnancy are: 

  • Weight gain and fluid retention in pelvic soft tissue.
  • Uterus expansion.
  • Altered center of gravity due to larger belly. 
  • Tightening in the butt and pelvic muscles.
  • Increased relaxin production.
  • The baby’s head resting on the sciatic nerve. 
  • Herniated discs.

Techniques that physical therapists can use to treat sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy

Physical therapy is a great option for treating sciatica. This is especially true if you’re a pregnant woman who has this painful condition. After all, physical therapists can create therapy plans to fit your unique needs, and this is possible thanks to the many therapy methods at their disposal. 

Some therapy methods your physical therapist can use to treat your sciatica include: 

  • Aquatic therapy that can help take the pressure off your lower back and pelvis. 

Border Therapy Services offers treatment for sciatica and back pain during pregnancy

Tired of dealing with sciatic nerve pain and back pain during your pregnancy? You can work with our team at Border Therapy Services to decrease your pain. We offer free screenings that can help pinpoint what the root cause of your pain is. Furthermore, our physical therapists are adept at creating personalized therapy plans designed to reduce sciatica pain and prevent it from coming back. 

Wary of leaving home at this stage in your pregnancy? No problem! Our specialists offer therapy services that you can use from home, including virtual therapy and at-home care sessions. 

Contact us today for more information about our treatment options for back pain and sciatica or to schedule your initial appointment.