Why do I have neck pain when looking up?

Neck Pain When Looking Up

Most of us aren’t conscious of how often we look up every day. At least, we aren’t until this movement starts to be painful for us. 

Determining the specific cause of your neck pain on your own can be difficult. However, a physical therapist can help you learn the source of your neck pain when looking up. This is possible because these specialists are experts in the human musculoskeletal system. They also have experience treating a wide range of painful neck conditions and injuries. 

Three issues that can cause neck pain when you look up

There are many issues that could be causing you neck pain when looking upward. Typically, these issues affect either the neck muscles, discs or vertebrae. Three of the most common neck issues that could be causing your pain are: 

  1. Muscle strains — The muscles in your neck can become overstretched. As a result, they’ll become painful when you move your head and neck. Muscle strains can come from many different sources. For instance, a car accident can lead to whiplash that strains your neck muscles. Frequently sleeping with poor neck posture can also lead to this issue. 
  1. Herniated discs — This issue can also be related to whiplash. It can also be caused by a head impact during sports. Herniated discs occur when the cushioning disc between two vertebrae is damaged. This can lead to nerve irritation, pain and other symptoms. 
  1. Vertebrae fractures — A cervical vertebrae fracture can also lead to severe pain when looking upward. A broken vertebrae can be caused by a fall where your neck strikes something. Severe impacts on the head and neck area can also lead to this injury. 

How can a physical therapist reduce your neck pain when looking up?

There are multiple steps that a physical therapist can take to decrease your neck pain. First, they’ll do a comprehensive assessment of your neck. This could include moving your neck in various directions and asking about the pain you experience.

The purpose of this assessment is to determine which therapy methods can be most beneficial for you. Some of the therapy techniques your physical therapist could choose to use include: 

Find ways to reduce neck pain when looking up at Border Therapy Services

Tired of feeling neck pain every time you look up? Our therapy specialists at Border Therapy Services are ready to help diagnose and treat the source of your pain. We offer comprehensive screenings designed to reveal the specific cause of your neck symptoms. In addition, our physical therapists are adept at building individualized therapy plans. These plans are intended to reduce your pain and prevent it from returning. 

Contact us today for more information about the therapy services we offer for neck pain or to schedule an initial appointment.