3 tips for treating bilateral sciatica at home and when to seek professional help

Bilateral Sciatica

Sometimes, back pain can be the sign of something serious. It may be the symptom of a slipped disc, a fracture or a torn muscle, all of which need medical attention. However, some types of back pain are minor and can be treated at home.

You’re likely to experience sciatica at some point, since research shows that up to 40% of people develop sciatica in their lifetimes. Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that spreads from your lower back into each leg. Sciatic pain is often described as sharp or burning. Some cases of bilateral sciatica are very minor and can be treated with a little rest and home remedies. Others require professional assistance.

If your sciatic pain is minor, then you should try some of the following treatments at home.


3 tips for treating bilateral sciatic back pain at home

  1. Rest — Sciatica often develops as a result of prolonged sitting, so find a spot to rest where you can lie down comfortably. Resting can help reduce the strain of what was causing your back pain.
  2. Exercise — Resting is great, but it’s also important to stay active if you want to recover from bilateral sciatic pain. Simple exercises like walking can help reduce pressure off the sciatic nerve, helping to reduce pain in your lower back.
  3. Heating and icing — Icing your back when you first notice pain can help reduce inflammation that may be putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. If the pain persists for a couple of days, alternate by applying heat as well to help soothe the pain. Heat can be effective in easing back pain because it increases circulation and relaxes tense muscles.


When should people seek help from medical experts like physical therapists?

If you’re someone who’s suffering from sciatica, you should think about seeking help from a physical therapist. In the instance that your sciatica becomes unmanageable even with the use of regular at-home treatments, it can be especially beneficial to consult with an expert. A physical therapist’s treatment can also help deal with your pain in the long term by preventing symptoms from worsening. Your physical therapist can also answer any questions you might have about your pain, like why sciatica symptoms can sometimes feel worse in the morning.


2 physical therapy techniques that can help treat bilateral sciatica

  1. Therapeutic exercises — Simple exercises like walking can help your sciatica. But therapeutic exercises are much more targeted to your condition. Your physical therapist will evaluate your symptoms and the cause of your sciatica before choosing the most effective therapeutic exercises for you.
  2. Soft tissue mobilization — This technique is used by physical therapists to alleviate muscle tension. Your physical therapist will use some unique tools to do soft tissue mobilization: their own hands. They’ll use their hands to apply pressure to the affected soft tissue in your back. Patients often experience reduced pain and improved back mobility as a result of this PT method.


Contact Border Therapy Services for bilateral sciatica treatment

If you’re someone suffering from sciatica but you don’t know how to manage your pain, you could benefit from physical therapy. At-home treatments can be great for minor sciatica back pain, but when those don’t work for you it’s important you seek expert care. At Border Therapy Services, we are trained to treat things like your recurring bilateral sciatic pain. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a specialist who can help.