7 PT techniques that can help treat your lower back ache

lower back ache

Is aching lower back pain affecting your quality of life? Lower back aches can be caused by many different conditions. While the source of your pain might be something simple — like a minor injury — it is important to take your body’s signals seriously. Seeking treatment can be essential to finding long-term relief. If your pain is too much to handle alone, physical therapy can help.

There are plenty of physical therapy techniques that can help treat your lower back ache. Some of these are performed only in the clinic. You can engage in other kinds of physical therapy treatment at home, which can help you make consistent progress. Some of the best physical therapy treatments are simple exercises. If you are looking for an efficient and effective approach to care, it can help to learn about the top physical therapy exercises for your lower back.

Top physical therapy exercises to address your lower back ache


  • Pelvic tilts — Pelvic tilts are a great way to work out several muscles at once. When you do pelvic tilts, you activate your abdomen and lower back muscles. Working out these muscles can help directly address your lower back ache. To do pelvic tilts, start by lying down with your feet and back flat on the floor. Your knees should be bent and facing the ceiling. Next, try to gently bend your pelvis toward your chest. You should feel your abdomen tighten. After holding the tilt for a few seconds, you can release and do another tilt. Try to do around 10 to 20 repetitions each set.

  • Bridging exercises — Bridges and pelvic tilts have the same starting position. This makes them great exercises to do in sequence. Your physical therapist may recommend a specific kind of modified bridging exercise tailored to your condition. While the exercise can vary between people, the basic movement involves lifting your hips upward. Your body should form a “bridge” from your upper back to your feet. Bridges engage the gluteal muscles and lower back. As a result, they can improve your core strength and stability.

  • Plank variations — Planking is another exercise with a lot of variations. You can think of a plank as a static push-up. Instead of moving up and down with your hands, the goal of a plank is to hold yourself in place. Planks work to engage the entire core including the lower back. By incorporating planking exercises into your workout, you can build strength in your core. This can address your pain and reduce the risk of more lower back aches in the future.

  • Hamstring stretches — Tight hamstrings can be a major contributor to lower back pain. If hamstring tension is a cause of your lower back ache, you can address it at the source with hamstring stretches. Your physical therapist may recommend a range of hamstring stretches to promote flexibility and pain relief. One common hamstring stretch is the knee-to-chest stretch. You can do this one by lying on your back and pulling one knee toward your chest with both arms. You should feel a stretch in your gluteal muscles. If both of your legs have tight hamstrings, try alternating legs with each repetition.

Other effective physical therapy techniques for your lower back ache 


  • Manual therapy — Looking for techniques that work well in unison with targeted exercises? Manual therapy can be an excellent option. Manual therapy techniques are hands-on PT techniques applied directly by your physical therapist. Using their hands to mobilize joints and boost circulation, your physical therapist can help boost your recovery time. Soft tissue mobilization is one manual technique often used to relieve lower back aches.

  • Aquatic therapy Aquatic therapy is a great low-stress way to get the exercise you need. This approach involves a trained professional guiding patients through a series of aerobic movements. With these focused exercises, you can work to help your lower back stay healthy and pain-free.

  • Dry needling — If you want a fast-acting approach to back pain relief, dry needling can be a great choice. During a dry needling treatment session, a licensed physical therapist will insert empty, sterile needles into certain points on your body. These needles function to trigger productive responses from your body like releasing tension or activating healing processes.

Alleviate your lower back ache with treatment from Border Therapy Services

Ready to get the treatment your lower back needs? You can find top-notch care at Border Therapy Services. With our help, you can learn more effective exercises and receive a range of innovative treatments tailored to your condition.

Call us or request an appointment today to get lower back ache relief.