Post-Surgical Rehab El Paso, Horizon City, TX & Las Cruces, NM

Post-Surgical Rehab

Rehabilitation is a big part of recovering after having surgery. It’s important to understand that post-surgical rehab is a long process. While surgery can be done within a few hours, rehabilitation may take many months and even up to a year. And while the actual time frame for recovery depends on many factors, it’s important that you are totally committed to the process.

Keep in mind that post-surgical rehab is a progressive activity. For example, workloads on a repaired joint are done gradually. It’s a complex process that’s a bit like baking bread. You’ve got to wait for the dough to rise before you put it in the oven. It’s the same with recovering from surgery. You have to wait some time to help the biological process do its work.

Why You Need Rehab After Surgery

After surgery, you’ll need rehab to get your strength back. With the help of a physical therapist and other specialists, you’ll be better able to improve body movement. You’ll learn the safest ways to walk, get dressed, bathe and more.

Whether you’ve had heart surgery, joint replacement or another type of surgery, post-surgical rehab will help you get back to your regular routine much faster. The key goals of any rehab program are to:

  • Reduced pain and swelling: Physical therapy techniques, such as manual therapy and therapeutic modalities, effectively alleviate pain and inflammation, allowing for faster recovery.
  • Improved range of motion and flexibility: Physical therapists guide you through specific exercises and stretches that enhance joint flexibility and restore your ability to move freely.
  • Increased strength and endurance: Targeted strengthening exercises help rebuild muscle strength and improve stamina, enabling you to return to your pre-surgical activities with ease.
  • Enhanced balance and coordination: Physical therapy addresses balance and coordination issues, reducing the risk of falls and promoting a safer, more confident gait.
  • Reduced risk of re-injury: By strengthening the muscles and improving movement patterns, physical therapy helps prevent re-injury and ensures long-term stability.
  • Relearning daily activities: Our experts teach you how to do daily activities, such as get up from a chair, climb stairs and get in and out of a car
  • Improved overall quality of life: Physical therapy not only addresses physical limitations but also promotes mental well-being and enhances your overall quality of life.

What to Expect During Post-Surgical Physical Therapy

Your post-surgical physical therapy program will be tailored to your specific needs and goals, considering the type of surgery you underwent, your recovery stage, and your individual health factors. A typical session may include:

  • Evaluation: Your physical therapist will assess your current condition, including strength, range of motion, and pain levels, to develop a personalized treatment plan.
  • Manual therapy: Hands-on techniques, such as massage and joint mobilization, are used to release muscle tension, improve joint mobility, and reduce pain.
  • Therapeutic modalities: Ultrasound, heat, ice, and electrical stimulation (TENS) can be applied to reduce inflammation, promote healing, and manage pain.
  • Exercise therapy: A personalized exercise program will be prescribed to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and restore functional movement.
  • Aquatic therapy may also be performed by a physical therapist in a heated pool. This allows post-surgical patients to tolerate more exercises. Strengthening exercises, stretches and light aerobic activities can also be performed in a pool during aquatic therapy.
  • Education and self-care: Your physical therapist will provide you with education and guidance on proper posture, movement patterns, and home exercises to maintain progress and prevent re-injury.

The Importance of Starting Early

Early intervention with physical therapy is crucial for maximizing recovery outcomes. Starting your post-surgical rehabilitation program as soon as possible after surgery helps prevent muscle atrophy, maintain joint range of motion, and reduce the risk of complications. Additionally, early physical therapy can help shorten your recovery time and get you back to your normal life sooner.

Contact Us for Personalized Post-Surgical Rehab

At El Paso, Horizon City, TX & Las Cruces, NM centers, we understand that every patient’s recovery journey is unique. Our team of dedicated physical therapists will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. We are committed to providing compassionate, evidence-based care that helps you achieve optimal recovery and regain your pre-surgical quality of life.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment or call us at (915) 266-0182 and begin your journey to a successful post-surgical rehab.