Tired of lower back pain? Here’s how physical therapy can help


Lower back pain, or lumbar pain, is a recurring nemesis for many people. That ache in your back can limit time spent working, relaxing and enjoying life. It can even lead to irritability and a whole host of other health problems. And, yet, it’s surprisingly common.

The American Chiropractic Association reports that about 31 million people are dealing with back pain at any given time. They also reveal that all these back pain sufferers spend at least $50 billion on health care costs every year. 

If you’re experiencing lumbar pain, you know how important it is to find relief. Fortunately, a qualified physical therapy specialist can guide you toward a life that’s free of lower back pain. 

What’s involved in physical therapy for back pain?

Physical therapy includes treatments that focus on the management of disabilities and injuries. It helps to alleviate pain, encourage healing, and bring about restored function and movement. It is performed by a trained physical therapist who is knowledgeable in evaluation and conservative management techniques.

There are two components to most physical therapy programs, including those used for lower back pain: 

  1. Passive physical therapy — This therapy type is used to reduce your pain so that it becomes more manageable. When you’re suffering from back pain, it can be debilitating and makes it so you can’t be as active as you might like. As such, it’s important for your physical therapist to reduce your pain as much as possible. This will also allow you to actively participate in your treatment. 

These tools are often used as a form of “passive therapy” because they are done to a patient by the physical therapist:

  1. Active physical therapy — Active therapy typically involves exercises that you engage in independently or with guidance from your physical therapist. It’s often used in the later stages of physical therapy. Specifically, it’s used once your lumbar pain has subsided enough that you can perform exercises without excessive discomfort. 

There are many different types of exercises that your physical therapist may recommend, including stretching, stability training and strength training. These types of exercises can offer benefits such as: 

  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved range of motion
  • Increased back and core muscle strength
  • Improved spinal support

Ready to get physical therapy for lower back pain? Border Therapy Services can help

Are you one of the millions of Americans living with lower back pain? Our physical therapy specialists at Border Therapy Services are ready and willing to help you reduce your pain. We offer free screenings intended to reveal the root cause of your back pain. Our team can also build you a personalized therapy plan designed to reduce and prevent the recurrence of your pain. 

Wondering if a doctor’s referral is required before beginning physical therapy? The answer is no, our team doesn’t need you to get a referral before you begin using our services. Our therapists can even help you get care at home thanks to our virtual therapy and at-home therapy appointment options. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can assist you with back pain or to schedule your initial appointment.