Can TMJ disorder cause neck pain?

does tmj go away

Continuous neck pain can be a concerning symptom to have. Experiencing neck pain without relief can be frustrating, especially when you do not know the cause. Unfortunately, figuring out what is causing your neck pain is not always a simple task. Many different conditions can lead to neck pain, and different conditions may call for different treatment approaches. To ensure an accurate diagnosis, a physical therapy assessment can be helpful.

What is TMJ disorder?

One condition often associated with neck pain is temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. The temporomandibular joint is the joint that acts as a hinge between the lower jawbone and the skull. TMJ disorder is a condition that affects this joint, creating a misalignment that can cause discomfort. The effects of TMJ disorder can ripple into other connected areas of the body. This is why people can suffer many different symptoms from TMJ disorder.

With all the effects of TMJ disorder, can it also cause neck pain? The answer is yes. How TMJ disorder causes neck pain is complicated. The temporomandibular joint is closely connected to several muscles, including the neck muscles. TMJ disorder symptoms can include muscle tension and spasms. Stiffness and tension in the jaw can radiate to the rest of the face and neck, causing pain and stiffness elsewhere. Of course, this does not mean that TMJ disorder and neck pain are always related. To tell whether your neck pain is caused by TMJ disorder or something else, it can help to learn more about TMJ disorder’s other common symptoms.

Common symptoms of TMJ disorder


  • Jaw pain — The jaw pain associated with TMJ disorder is often described as aching and tender. When experiencing jaw pain, your jaw area may become highly sensitive to touch. The pain will likely feel concentrated around the joint or right beneath the cheek. TMJ pain has levels. You may only feel acute, sharp pains when clenching your jaw or moving your mouth to chew or talk. 
  • Headaches — TMJ-related headaches occur because of the increased pressure around the head. These headaches can be short, but they can also last for hours or even days. The intensity and duration of the headache mainly depends on the severity of your TMJ flare-up. These headaches can be felt radiating around the temples and sometimes around the jaw. 
  • Neck and shoulder pain — As mentioned earlier, TMJ pain can affect the neck region. This means TMJ disorder can cause neck pain. It can also extend far enough to cause shoulder pain. TMJ disorder involves inflammation and tension. This can lead to imbalances in other parts of the upper body that also cause tension. All of the added pressure from the TMJ can cause discomfort and aching in the shoulders as well as the neck. While you can address your neck and shoulder pain on their own, they will likely continue to recur with your TMJ disorder. To address all these symptoms at once, an effective strategy would involve directly treating your TMJ disorder by alleviating stress around the jaw joint. 
  • Difficulty moving the jaw — TMJ irritation can make moving your jaw a challenge. You may feel that your movement is restricted or that your jaw locks when trying to speak. Chewing and yawning can also be difficult and painful. To regain jaw mobility, it can help to complete intentional jaw stretches to relax the joints. A physical therapist can offer expert guidance with exercises like this. If you do not have easy access to a physical therapy clinic for this service, you can still receive the care you need. Virtual physical therapy services can provide one-on-one guidance for TMJ-focused exercises. With 93% of patients seeing a decrease in pain after virtual care, the results speak for themselves. 
  • Earaches — In some cases, the early onset of TMJ disorder can be mistaken for ear pain. Because the ears and jaw joint are nearby, the sensation of jaw pressure can feel like an earache at times. This proximity is why TMJ disorder can also cause tinnitus. As the inflamed jaw applies pressure to other areas in the head, it can put stress on the auditory system. This can lead to a ringing, humming or buzzing sound. 

Treat your neck pain and TMJ disorder with Border Therapy Services

Could your neck pain be caused by TMJ disorder? At Border Therapy Services, you can find out and receive effective treatment to match your diagnosis. Our team of highly trained and credentialed physical therapy specialists is eager to help address your TMJ disorder. With our help, you can make a smooth recovery and return to life without persistent neck pain caused by TMJ disorder.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.