I keep waking up with neck pain. What should I do?

waking up with neck pain

Waking up with neck pain is an experience many people have, and it can significantly impact your daily life. Neck pain is often temporary and not a big deal. However, it can disrupt your sleep, hinder your productivity and dampen your overall well-being when it strikes. Neck pain, or cervical pain, is a discomfort or soreness in the parts of your neck. These parts include the many muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints. It can range from mild to severe and be short-term or become chronic. 

How common is neck pain?

Neck pain is a common complaint that affects up to two-thirds of people at some point in their life. The likelihood of developing neck pain increases as you age, and it is more common to affect women than men. Most cases of neck pain are not due to a serious underlying condition; however, a health care professional should evaluate a persistent or severe case of neck pain. 

Why do you wake up with neck pain?

Waking up with neck pain can be due to a variety of factors. Identifying the underlying specific cause is necessary to help you receive effective management. Common reasons you wake up with neck pain can include:

  • Sleeping position.
  • Muscle tension and strain.
  • Poor pillow or mattress.
  • Underlying conditions.
  • Stress and anxiety.

When should you see a doctor for neck pain when you wake up?

While neck pain when you wake up can be managed with self-care treatments, there are times when it’s important to seek medical attention. If you are experiencing the following, you should seek medical care:

  • Persistent pain — If your neck pain when you wake up lingers for more than a week or becomes chronic, seeking medical advice is necessary to help identify and address the underlying cause.

  • Radiating pain — If the neck pain you have when you wake radiates down your arm and is accompanied by numbness or tingling, it could indicate that you have a compressed nerve and need a prompt evaluation.

  • Severe pain or injury — If your neck pain is the result of a traumatic injury like a car accident or a fall, or if it is associated with severe symptoms, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention.

  • Trouble with coordination — If you are experiencing difficulty with your balance and coordination or have weakness in your arms and legs, it could be a sign that there is a more serious underlying issue that requires urgent medical assessment. 

Can neck pain when you wake up be prevented?

If you are plagued by neck pain when you wake up, you’re sure to wonder if there is a way to help prevent it from happening. The good news is there are several preventive measures you can take to help prevent neck pain:

  • Use an optimal pillow and mattress — Choosing a pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck and a mattress that helps provide proper spinal alignment is crucial. The goal is to help keep your head and neck neutral while you sleep.

  • Watch your sleeping position — Being mindful of the position you sleep in can help you avoid neck strain. Sleeping on your back or side with a pillow that helps maintain your natural spine curvature is beneficial.

  • Incorporate regular movement and stretching — Adding regular neck stretches and movements into your daily routine can help prevent muscle stiffness and tension. This is especially helpful if you have a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Have an ergonomic workspace — Maintaining good posture is essential, especially if you spend extended periods working at a desk. Make sure your computer monitor is at your eye level, and use ergonomic chairs and accessories to help support proper alignment.

  • Manage your stress — You can help minimize the physical effects of stress on your body by practicing stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing, meditation or yoga. 

Treatments for neck pain when you wake up

Most cases of neck pain when you wake up can be managed through self-care treatments:

  • Heat and cold therapy — Applying a heating pad or cold pack to the affected area can help alleviate muscle tension and reduce inflammation. You can experiment with both to see which provides you the most relief. It may also be beneficial to rotate between the two.

  • Medications — Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or NSAIDs can be effective in helping to reduce the pain and inflammation in your neck.

  • Gentle neck exercises — Doing a routine of gentle neck exercises can help improve your flexibility and strength. Make sure to consult with a health care professional or physical therapist to learn appropriate exercises that are tailored to your specific condition.

  • Topical analgesics — Using creams or patches that contain analgesic agents on the affected neck area can help relieve localized pain.

  • Physical therapy — Physical therapy can be a key component in managing neck pain, especially if it is a recurring issue. Manual therapy techniques can be beneficial in helping to alleviate muscle tension and improve joint mobility. 

Waking up with neck pain can be a common and irritating experience, but understanding the causes and implementing preventive measures can help significantly improve your overall neck health. A variety of conservative strategies, like physical therapy, can be beneficial in helping you identify and address the root cause of your neck pain, provide you with relief, and improve your neck function. 

Waking up with neck pain can significantly impact your daily life, but Border Therapy Services is here to help

At Border Therapy Services, we understand that waking up with neck pain can derail your best-laid daily plans. Our dedicated team of skilled physical therapists is here to help address the underlying cause of your morning neck discomfort. From muscle imbalances and postural issues to other factors, our expert therapists can tailor and design a treatment plan to your specific needs. We strive to incorporate targeted exercises, manual therapy and patient education to help provide you with immediate relief and empower you with the tools for long-term management.

Call us or request an appointment today to help ease your mornings from the clutches of neck pain.