Sports injury rehabilitation you can trust in El Paso, TX

Sports Injury Rehab You Can Trust

No matter what your sport is — tennis, golf, running, swimming, football, gymnastics — if you’re dealing with an injury, your number one priority as an athlete is to get back into action as soon as you can. Sports injury rehabilitation, or sports injury rehab, can help you do this as safely as possible and lower your risk for reinjuring yourself.

At Border Therapy Services, we understand the trust that patients put into a physical therapist and this can be especially true of athletes seeking sports injury rehab. If you’re an El Paso, Texas, resident seeking relief from a sports-related injury, we want you to be able to put your trust in us.

Since the first step in effective recovery can often be educating yourself as a patient, we’re providing the following brief overview of our sports injury rehab offerings. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to learn more or have any questions.

How we provide sports injury rehab

When you come to us for an initial appointment, you will meet one-on-one with one of our caring experts who will perform a full evaluation. This will typically consist of a review of your medical history, questions about your injury, symptoms and treatment goals, an analysis of your posture and movement and a hands-on examination of the injured area.

From there, we will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that can consist of the following methods of treatment:

  • Manual therapy
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Strength and stability exercises
  • Range-of-motion exercises

Like other types of physical therapy and rehab, your therapist can also provide instruction on exercises you can do at home to supplement your in-office sessions. Additionally, for sports and injury rehab you may receive instructions on proper warm-up technique, posture and other technical aspects that can help you more safely play your sport.  

Multiple clinics in El Paso

Border Therapy Services is proud of our high-performing team of highly credentialed therapists who work in our beautiful clinics located throughout El Paso. When we’re providing sports injury rehab, we want to live up to the trust being placed in us and provide expert care to get any athlete back to the game or activity they love.

To learn more and to schedule your initial appointment, please contact us today.