Start your sports injury rehab before you need it

Sports injury rehab

Jogging. Playing flag football in the park. Swatting a tennis ball around with a friend. These are all easy and fun ways to stay active. But sometimes even activities like these can lead to a sports injury. 

Sports injury rehab is something most people may think can only help after you’re injured. However, it can also help you find ways to prevent many sports injuries. If you work with a certified physical therapist or athletic trainer, they can help you with weaknesses in your body or improper body movements. That training can help you avoid a sports injury in the first place.

How you can help prevent a sports injury

Having to go through sports injury rehab is something that can be prevented. While injuries in sports are not completely preventable, there are many things you can do to lower your risk. It can be tempting to dive into a workout or game without warming up, but doing that just increases the chances of injury.

There are certain things that you can do that may help you avoid injuries and the rehabilitation time they usually need. Some of the things you can do include: 

  • Taking time to stretch and warm up before exercising
  • Making a note of muscles that feel weaker than they should 
  • Remaining aware of your posture while playing sports 

If you aren’t sure how to address these issues, it’s OK. A licensed physical therapist or athletic trainer can help you. These medical professionals can help you find ways to address these issues and more. They can also examine you and point out potential issues that you weren’t even aware of that may have led to an injury in the future.

Border Therapy Services is where you can find sports injury rehab

Need a sports injury rehab plan to treat or prevent injuries? Our team at Border Therapy Services is here to help you find a rehab plan that works for you. We offer free screenings that can help reveal issues that can lead to sports injuries. Our team can also build you a personalized therapy plan to address these issues before they become injuries. 

Can’t make it into one of our clinics? No problem! We offer at-home therapy and virtual care sessions that are designed to help you get therapy in your own home. You can even start using our therapy services without first getting a referral from your doctor. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can help treat and prevent sports injuries or to schedule your initial appointment.