Three ways to treat carpal tunnel without surgery

Treat Carpal Tunnel Without Surgery

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the tendons of the wrist become inflamed, and this issue is commonly caused by repetitive motions like typing. In some cases, carpal tunnel may require surgery, but that’s not necessarily true for people whose condition is mild to moderate. For these patients, there are several ways carpal tunnel can be treated without having surgery. 

1.   Avoid certain movements

One way you can treat carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery is to avoid the repetitive movements that caused it. For example, typing on a keyboard is a repetitive movement that can cause this condition, and you can avoid it by using a voice typing tool. 

If you’re not able to avoid repetitive wrist motions for some reason, it can be helpful to take frequent breaks when doing tasks that require repetitive wrist movements. You may also want to work on increasing your awareness of pain and other carpal tunnel symptoms, and this can help you get a better idea of how frequent your breaks should be. 

2.   Find a supportive brace

Another nonsurgical option for treating carpal tunnel is to invest in a supportive wrist brace. These devices can be found in your local pharmacy, and they’re designed to decrease the stress on your wrists. Wrist braces decrease wrist stress by supporting the wrist in a neutral position, and this can help decrease wrist tendon inflammation caused by carpal tunnel. You can also get a significant amount of pain relief by using a wrist brace when typing and doing other wrist-dependent activities. 

3.   Get help from a physical therapist

Treating carpal tunnel without surgery can also be done by seeking help from a physical therapist. These medical professionals have many techniques that can be used to help reduce the pain and inflammation of carpal tunnel syndrome. For example, a therapist can use manual therapy to decrease tension in the tendons and muscles of your wrist and hand. Also, physical therapy can help teach you exercises that can strengthen forearm muscles, which can boost natural wrist support. 

Border Therapy Services can help treat your carpal tunnel without surgery

At Border Therapy Services, we can help patients treat carpal tunnel syndrome, and in many cases, our team can help you avoid surgery for this condition. Our personalized physical therapy plans are the main way we help people, and these plans are designed to provide benefits such as: 

  • Reduced pain
  • Improved wrist mobility
  • Increased wrist support
  • Higher quality of life

However, we don’t just build you a plan and send you on your way. We also work with you one-on-one during your recovery process and provide you with encouragement throughout the recovery process. 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an appointment.