Two injuries treatable with sports injury physical therapy

Sports Injury Physical Therapy

Sports are a great way to become more physically active. But they can also lead to many types of injuries, and this is especially true when you haven’t been very active for a while. If you have injured yourself playing sports, then you may want to consider getting sports injury physical therapy. This type of physical therapy can help treat two common types of sports injuries. 

1.   Concussions

Concussions are a serious injury you could get from playing a high-impact sport. This injury occurs when there is a direct impact to the head. The impact can cause the brain to slam into the inside surfaces of the skull, and this can cause many troubling symptoms. 

One symptom common to concussions is dizziness. You may also experience frequent headaches and hear ringing sounds in your ears. Nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms when you have a concussion. You may also have a sensitivity to light or feel tired most of the time. Physical therapists can help you by designing a personalized sports injury physical therapy plan to treat the concussion symptoms you’re experiencing. 

2.   Hip flexor strain

Sports injury physical therapy can also help patients suffering from a hip flexor strain. The hip flexor is designed to help you bring your knees up toward the chest. They’re also involved in the ability to bend at the waist. Individuals who play sports where there are a lot of repetitive leg movements are at higher risk of a hip flexor strain. This includes sports like football, soccer, cycling and martial arts. 

When you have a hip flexor strain, you may notice several symptoms. Pain is the most common symptom, and it may increase when lifting your thigh toward your chest or when stretching your hip muscles. You may also notice that the front of the hip is tender to the touch. Bruising and swelling in the hip or thigh may also occur with hip flexor strains. Physical therapists can create a therapy plan to help treat your symptoms. 

Check out the sports injury physical therapy offered by Border Therapy Services

Patients who are looking for help with a sports injury in El Paso and Horizon City, Texas, or Las Cruces, New Mexico, may not know where to turn. Border Therapy Services has clinics in each of these cities, and our clinics are staffed with experienced physical therapists. Our therapy team can help you with sports injury physical therapy techniques such as: 

  • Manual therapy
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Functional dry needling
  • Athletic performance training
  • Kinesio taping

Take the next step to find relief from your pain. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an appointment.