Two physical therapy techniques used for hip arthritis treatment

Hip Arthritis Treatment

Have you ever stopped to think about how hip arthritis affects your daily life? It might make doing any walking tasks more painful. It can also make bending or sitting uncomfortable. Your symptoms may even be affecting your ability to get to sleep and stay asleep. Reducing these negative effects is the primary goal of hip arthritis treatment.

Unfortunately, there are many people dealing with the daily effects of hip arthritis. Medical researchers estimate that more than 27 million Americans are affected by this condition. Physical therapists can help reduce the negative effects arthritis has on your daily life. This is possible thanks to the many treatment options these specialists offer for hip arthritis. 

These two physical therapy treatments can help your hip arthritis

Physical therapists are uniquely qualified to treat hip arthritis. The reason is that they’re trained to treat problems with the human musculoskeletal system, which includes joint issues. Additionally, the treatments these specialists offer are all natural. They can also help reduce your dependence on pain medications. 

Even better, physical therapists can work to provide you with a wide range of benefits. These benefits result from using treatment techniques such as: 

  1. Aquatic therapy — This type of therapy is also called water therapy. Aquatic therapy sessions tend to take place in heated pools. The benefits that this technique offers are based, in part, on the characteristics of water. For instance, water pushes inward on the body. This helps keep you stable while doing therapy exercises. Water’s buoyancy also helps hip arthritis patients by reducing the stress on affected joints. 

One aquatic therapy study shows that this technique can offer benefits for hip arthritis patients. After one year in the study, the aquatic therapy group had a greater decrease in pain and a greater increase in function than the control group. 

  1. Joint mobilization — The goal of this technique is to improve the range of motion (ROM) and function of your arthritic hip. Joint mobilization is a type of manual therapy. This means the physical therapist uses their hands to move your hip through the required movements. 

One joint mobilization study reveals that patients had a two-point decrease in their numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) scores right after their session. It also reports that patients had increased hip ROM and hip function after one session.

Find beneficial hip arthritis treatment at Border Therapy Services

You don’t need to look far to find beneficial treatment for hip arthritis. Our team at Border Therapy Services is ready to help you treat the symptoms of your arthritis. We offer free screenings designed to inform us about the symptoms and underlying issues that are causing you the most trouble. Also, our physical therapists are adept at constructing personalized therapy plans designed to: 

  • Decrease your pain.
  • Increase your joint function and range of motion. 
  • Improve your ability to perform normal daily activities. 

We can even help you treat your arthritis from home thanks to our at-home care and virtual therapy services. 

Contact us today for more information about our hip arthritis treatment options or to schedule an initial appointment.