What can I do about my knee pain from cycling?

Cycling Knee Pain

Cycling is one activity that people have been using to improve their cardiovascular fitness. While it offers many benefits, cycling can also lead to issues like knee pain. 

Knee pain is a common issue that occurs in cyclists, and one study found that 23% of the professional cyclists surveyed had experienced knee pain. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to address knee pain from cycling. 

Three steps you can take to address knee pain from cycling

Cyclists who have developed knee pain don’t have to just put up with their pain. Instead, they can take several steps to address and even reduce their pain. Some of these steps include: 

  1. Reducing cycling distances — Cycling is often considered easier on the knees than running. But doing too much cycling when you’re first starting out can trigger pain in the knees and other parts of your body. Reducing how far you’re cycling can help reduce your pain. In some cases, you might even need to stop cycling until your pain goes away. 
  1. Adjusting your bike — An improperly adjusted seat or pedals can put more stress on your knees when cycling. This stress can increase your chances of knee discomfort. That’s why you should check with a bike expert to ensure that your bike is properly adjusted to fit you. 
  1. Going to physical therapy — Often, starting a new type of exercise can reveal underlying issues that you didn’t know were there. This is especially true with cycling. For instance, tight quadriceps can put additional strain on your knees while you’re riding. 

As a result, your knees might start to ache during or after a cycling session. Physical therapists can help you identify the source of your knee pain. They can also offer effective treatment techniques for your pain. 

How can physical therapists address knee pain from cycling?

There are many techniques a physical therapist can use to help with cycling-related knee discomfort. A few of these techniques are: 

  • Therapeutic exercises intended to stretch out tense muscles and strengthen muscles you use while riding. 
  • Aquatic therapy that can help speed up the healing of underlying injuries. 

Border Therapy Services offers effective ways to address knee pain from cycling

Have you developed knee pain from your cycling sessions? Our specialists at Border Therapy Services are ready to help you find effective ways to treat your aching knees. We can start by performing a free screening on them to determine the source of your pain. Then, our physical therapists will create a customized therapy plan for you that’s designed to benefit you by: 

  • Reducing pain.
  • Improving joint flexibility.
  • Decreasing your risk of a future knee issue. 

You can even sign up for an at-home care or virtual therapy session with us and get your treatment from home. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can help with your knee pain or to schedule your initial appointment.