What is telemedicine physical therapy?

Telemedicine physical therapy

Traveling to receive treatment for chronic pain or an injury isn’t always a safe option. For some people, traveling with an injury or condition is dangerous to themselves and others. For others, you might want to stay home to keep safe from the COVID-19 virus. No matter your reason, if you want to stay home but need treatment for aches and pains, you can benefit from telemedicine physical therapy.

Telemedicine physical therapy is a service offered by physical therapists to treat you remotely through a video connection. This service includes a live one-on-one video call with a certified physical therapist who can see and talk to you and vice versa. This service can be used to guide you through your treatment to help you recover from pain from the safety and comfort of your own home.

Who needs telemedicine physical therapy?

Telemedicine physical therapy can be for anyone who needs physical therapy services but cannot leave their home. Some examples of people who can benefit the most from telemedicine physical therapy include: 

  • Existing patients — Existing patients at clinics like Border Therapy Services can count on continuing their current treatments via telemedicine physical therapy if they no longer can come to the clinic for treatment. Your treatment plan should largely remain the same, although certain treatments, like manual therapy, are not available via telemedicine.
  • People with long-lasting pain — Anyone dealing with long-lasting pain related to a condition like arthritis, herniated discs and more can benefit from telemedicine physical therapy. Physical therapists can use telemedicine services to guide you through exercises, stretches and other techniques that can help improve your body’s structural support in an effort to manage pain.
  • People with injuries — Social distancing doesn’t mean it’s not possible to get injured from a trip, slip, fall or traumatic accident. Physical therapists play a large role in recovery from many injuries. When you can’t go to the clinic for treatment, you can still get the treatment you need through telemedicine physical therapy.
  • People who have had surgery — If you’ve recently had surgery, especially orthopedic surgery like a joint replacement procedure, you’ll need physical therapy to help you recover well. Telemedicine physical therapy is an effective option for helping you if you have recently had surgery to improve the recovery process and reach your recovery goals.

Talk to Border Therapy Services about telemedicine physical therapy

Are you suffering from aches and pains but can’t get the treatment you need because you can’t travel? Telemedicine physical therapy may be exactly what you need. Contact our team today for more information about telemedicine physical therapy or to schedule an initial appointment.