What to expect from hip impingement physical therapy

Hip Impingement Physical Therapy

Walking your kids to the bus stop. Bending down to weed your vegetable garden. Sitting down at the dinner table. Pain in your hips can reduce your enthusiasm for many normal daily activities. 

One common cause of hip pain is a condition called hip impingement. To medical professionals, this condition is known as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Medical researchers report that FAI can affect 24% of the general population, but people who play high-impact sports, like football or hockey, have an up to 87% chance of developing this hip issue. 

A physical therapy specialist can offer several types of assistance for a hip impingement. For one thing, these specialists can help you confirm that you have this condition. They can also help you find effective treatment for it. 

Signs that you may need hip impingement physical therapy

Since there are many issues that can cause hip pain, you’ll need to be sure of the source of your pain before trying to treat it. Physical therapists can help you discover the source of your pain. 

In part, this is because they’re trained to recognize the signs of FAI. Some of the common signs of this hip problem include: 

  • Pain in the groin or hip after sitting or walking for long periods of time
  • Popping or clicking sounds from the front of your hip 
  • Pain that radiates into the side of the thigh or into the buttocks 
  • Difficulty doing normal tasks that involve the hip joint 

How can physical therapy specialists treat hip impingements? 

After determining that you’re dealing with a hip impingement, your physical therapy specialist can build you an individualized treatment plan. Your plan is likely to include multiple beneficial therapy methods. A few of the techniques that your physical therapist could add to your program are: 

Border Therapy Services offers effective physical therapy for hip impingements

Not sure where to turn for high-quality hip impingement physical therapy? Our team at Border Therapy Services is here to help you get the top-notch therapeutic care you need. We can perform a comprehensive evaluation of your hip to determine the source of your symptoms. Our physical therapists can then build you a personalized therapy plan designed to decrease pain and other hip symptoms. 

Think you may need to have surgery on your hip? We can help you in that case, too! Our physical therapists can provide pre-surgical rehab to prepare your body for surgery. They also excel at post-surgical rehab designed to help you recover from surgery faster and with less pain.

Contact us today for more information about our hip-related therapy services or to schedule an initial appointment.