Two physical therapy methods to include in your sports injury rehab

The Place for the Best Sports Injury Rehab

Do you find yourself dealing with a sports injury? If you are, you’re not alone. 

It’s estimated that about 7 million Americans per year are treated for some type of sports injury. Fortunately, there are many options that can help treat your sports injury. One of the most effective options is sports injury rehab from a physical therapist, and there are two therapy methods that can be particularly beneficial to your recovery. 

These two therapy techniques can improve the effectiveness of sports injury rehab

A physical therapist can match specific therapy techniques to your injuries. This ability can help you get the maximum possible benefit from your sports injury rehab plan. Two of the therapy methods your physical therapist is likely to include in your rehab program are:

  1. Aquatic therapy — One of the injuries a physical therapist can help you recover from is a tear or sprain of your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is one of the ligaments that connects your thighbone to your lower leg bone. Injuries to this ligament are typically the result of the sudden stops and changes of direction while playing sports.

Aquatic therapy can be helpful for reducing ACL injury pain. It involves you performing therapy in a pool to take advantage of the natural characteristics of water. One study reports that this technique led to an up to 28% improvement in ACL pain after six weeks of treatment.

  1. Manual therapy — Another common sports injury is sciatica. You’ll typically notice that it causes burning pains in your lower back and legs. This injury is usually caused by a pinched sciatic nerve in the lower back.

Manual therapy can be beneficial for people with sciatica. Researchers report that a program of manual therapy helped to reduce local pain in sciatica patients by 22%. The same program was also able to decrease radiating pain by 35%. 

Border Therapy Services offers top-notch sports injury rehab

Ready to find sports injury rehab that can help get you off the bench faster? Our Border Therapy Services team is ready and willing to help you get the therapy you require. Our specialists offer free screenings designed to reveal the sports injury you’re dealing with. We also excel at building personalized sports injury therapy plans designed to reduce pain and recovery time. 

Does your injury make it harder for you to leave home? Not a problem! Our team offers therapy services that you can use without leaving your home, including virtual care and at-home therapy sessions. Additionally, we don’t require that you have a referral from your doctor before you begin using our services. 

Contact us today for more information about the sports injury therapy we offer or to schedule an initial appointment.