Why are you feeling back pain after recovering from COVID-19?

Back Pain COVID

It’s no secret by now that COVID-19 can continue to cause people issues long after their bodies have defeated the virus. A common example of post-COVID-19 symptoms is back pain. COVID-19 has been exhibiting many new symptoms as new virus variations have emerged. This includes the infection causing back pain and headaches, even after the patient has recovered from it.

Why are you feeling back pain after COVID-19?

Cytokines are released during a viral infection. Inflammation in the cells is more likely to occur when too much of this hormone is released. For instance, they can promote increased inflammation in your back. 

Prostaglandins, also called E2, are formed by cytokines. Upon entering the brain, prostaglandins activate pain signals. Prostaglandins, thus, can activate the back pain you’ve been feeling post-COVID-19. These pain signals could be sent by cytokines that are causing inflammation in your lower back muscles. This pain and inflammation may be worse because people tend to stay in bed for long periods of time when dealing with COVID-19. 

How can physical therapy help those with back pain after COVID-19?

  • Spine stabilization exercises — You may have back pain due to your muscles compensating for poor movement patterns or posture after being laid up for a while. Exercises that activate the spinal muscles can help retrain them. Thus, they can help enhance spinal support and reduce back pain. They can also help to improve your posture when sitting or standing. 
  • Manual therapy — Chronic and acute back pain can be treated with manual therapy. A lack of range of motion caused by musculoskeletal conditions can be excruciating. It can also prevent you from completing everyday tasks. Rehabilitation of the range of motion can be achieved using manual therapy techniques.
  • Therapeutic exercises — Therapeutic exercises can help you rebuild and maintain a normal range of motion. They can also improve strength, rebuild spinal support, and reduce pain for people who suffer from lower back pain. Many people suffer from back pain because they do not exercise regularly, especially after the pandemic.

While recovering from the post-COVID-19 effects, your physical therapist may recommend specific exercises to get you back on track. Following these recommendations is important because they are designed to help you recover safely and promptly.

Border TS offers effective physical therapy for post-COVID-19 back pain

Do you need help recovering from post-COVID-19 back pain? Border Therapy Services has physical therapists who can treat your back pain. Moreover, our therapists can design a customized physical therapy plan for you that focuses on reducing your pain and preventing it from returning. 

Contact us for more information or schedule an appointment with our team if you suffer from back pain after recovering from COVID-19.