5 treatments to help relieve biceps tendinitis

biceps tendinitis

Your biceps are the muscles in your arms that help you carry groceries, lift weights and do everyday tasks. Just like any hardworking part of your body, though, your biceps can sometimes suffer from issues. One common problem is biceps tendinitis. Biceps tendinitis is a condition that can cause discomfort and limit your arm’s movement, disrupting your ability to live your life normally. 

What is biceps tendinitis?

Your biceps are the muscles located on the front of your upper arm. They’re responsible for the movements of bending your elbow and rotating your forearm. These muscles are attached to your bones by tough, fibrous cords called tendons. When these tendons become irritated or inflamed, it is known as biceps tendinitis.

Recognizing the symptoms

Biceps tendinitis isn’t a sneaky condition; it can be easy to detect through a range of symptoms:

  • Pain — One of the most common symptoms you may experience is a deep, throbbing pain in the front of your shoulder, which may travel down your arm.
  • Weakness — You may experience weakness in your arm. This weakness makes it challenging for you to perform everyday tasks that involve lifting or reaching.
  • Tenderness — The affected area of your arm may be tender to the touch. You may also notice some swelling and redness.
  • Popping sensation — You may notice a popping or clicking sensation when you move your shoulder. This sensation can indicate the irritation of the biceps tendon.

What can cause biceps tendinitis?

What can bring the discomfort of biceps tendinitis? Several factors can be the culprit, including:

  • Poor posture — A lousy posture, especially if you work at a computer or drive for long periods, can cause strain on your shoulder. This shoulder strain can lead to biceps tendinitis. 
  • Age — As we get older, our tendons naturally degenerate. This degeneration can make them more prone to inflammation and injury.
  • Overuse — Tendinitis, including biceps tendinitis, is often the result of repetitive motions. Biceps tendinitis is common in sports like swimming, tennis or baseball. These sports can all place strain on the biceps tendon and lead to inflammation. 
  • Injuries — Injuries to or falls on your shoulder can damage your biceps tendon. This damage can cause inflammation in your tendon. 

Diagnosis and treatments

If you suspect you may have biceps tendinitis, it’s imperative to get a proper diagnosis. Your health care provider will likely do a physical examination. They may also order imaging tests like an MRI or ultrasound to confirm or determine the amount of damage to the tendon.

Biceps tendinitis can be an easily manageable condition, especially when it receives early intervention. Typical treatments can include:

  • Rest and ice — Giving your shoulder time to rest can be beneficial for healing. Applying ice packs while you rest can help reduce inflammation and ease your pain. 
  • Physical therapyPhysical therapy is an incredibly effective and noninvasive treatment option. A physical therapist can guide you through exercises that can help strengthen your biceps muscles and improve your flexibility. They can also teach you proper techniques for daily activities to help prevent further tendon strain.
  • Medications — Depending on your pain level, your health care provider may recommend you take over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen to help manage your pain and reduce inflammation. 
  • Corticosteroid injections — Sometimes, your health care provider may recommend a corticosteroid injection. These are injected directly into the affected area with the intention of providing temporary pain relief and inflammation reduction.
  • Surgery, in severe cases — In severe cases, when conservative measures have not worked, surgery may be necessary to help repair your damaged tendon and alleviate your symptoms.

How can physical therapy help biceps tendinitis?

Physical therapy can be a game-changing treatment approach. Some techniques your physical therapist might employ include:

  • Strength exercises — To help strengthen the muscles around your shoulder, your physical therapist will design a tailored strengthening exercise program. These strengthening exercises can aid in your recovery and may help prevent future injuries.
  • Stretches — Gentle stretching exercises can help improve the flexibility of your shoulder. This enhanced flexibility can help reduce your stiffness and improve your range of motion.
  • Manual therapy — Your physical therapist may use hands-on techniques like soft tissue mobilization or joint mobilization to help mobilize your shoulder joint and soft tissue. These techniques can help promote healing and restore proper movement to your shoulder and upper arm.
  • Posture correction — Your therapist will educate you about the importance of correct posture and body mechanics. By improving your posture and paying attention to your body mechanics, you can help prevent strain on your biceps muscle and reduce your risk of recurrence.

Incorporating these techniques into your physical therapy sessions can have a significant difference in your recovery journey. Under the guidance of your physical therapist, you will be on the road to saying goodbye to biceps tendinitis and hello to healthy, flexible shoulders.

Trust Border Therapy Services to be your partner in overcoming biceps tendinitis

At Border Therapy Services, we understand the challenges you are facing with biceps tendinitis. Our dedicated team of physical therapists is committed to providing you with comprehensive and compassionate treatments that are tailored to your specific needs and concerns. We can help empower you to regain control over your body and heal from the limitations of biceps tendinitis. 

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.