What is the purpose of physical therapy? 6 reasons it’s important

Physical therapy might not be top of mind when it comes to medical care, but it’s estimated that over 300 million physical therapy sessions are carried out each year just in the United States. Physical therapy is a medically based, hands-on method that aims to relieve pain and restore mobility and function. Physical therapists are trained in a variety of conditions and methods to evaluate your condition and needs, identify the root of your issue, and work with you toward pain-free movement. 

So, what’s the purpose of physical therapy? Here at Border Therapy Services, our licensed physical therapists work with a variety of patients with injuries, chronic pain and degenerative conditions to try to help them live with less discomfort, gain greater mobility, and prevent injury or pain from recurring. 

Why should you go to physical therapy?

The purpose of physical therapy isn’t to offer a quick fix or a magic pill. The goal is to work and strengthen painful joints, muscles and tendons to offer long-lasting relief that will improve your overall quality of life. Here are six benefits that physical therapy can offer you:

  • Reduce pain — One of the main purposes of physical therapy treatments is to reduce the pain that’s affecting your quality of life. Therapeutic exercises, stretches and manual therapy techniques can reduce tension and pressure in injuries and chronic conditions. While these exercises and techniques might be difficult to perform on your own, a licensed physical therapist can guide you through the exercises that are best for your body.
  • Increase mobility — Physical therapy can also improve the range of motion in your joints, muscles and tendons. This may be useful for people with conditions like arthritis, chronic pain or sports injuries. In addition, your physical therapist can customize a treatment plan that’s built around your condition and needs.
  • Avoid surgery — If your condition is severe enough, a doctor may recommend surgery to correct the issue. But surgery comes with a lot of risks and often painful side effects. If you do physical therapy customized for your condition, you may be able to put off or avoid surgery entirely.
  • Improve recovery — In cases where surgery is unavoidable, physical therapy may speed up your recovery. A licensed physical therapist can suggest specific exercises that may help the affected area without slowing down the healing process post-surgery. These exercises can also help you regain balance and break down scar tissue that may develop during your recovery
  • Decrease medication — Prescription pain medications like opioids can help with severe pain, but they also come with many side effects and can be addictive. Physical therapy can target the source of your pain without drugs, and over time you may not need as much medication, reducing the risk of serious side effects and addiction.
  • Prevent future pain — The purpose of physical therapy isn’t just to reduce pain that’s happening now. Depending on the condition you have, it may also prevent future pain from occurring at all. Physical therapy can improve and strengthen your body before your pain becomes a serious issue.

The ultimate purpose of physical therapy isn’t just to treat pain. The goal is for you to strengthen and improve your body so that pain is no longer an issue.

How can physical therapy help you?

If you’re dealing with a musculoskeletal injury (MSKI) or a chronic condition, physical therapy may be a great option for you. The purpose of physical therapy is long-term relief and healing, which is ideal for long-term conditions or injuries.

  • Musculoskeletal injury — These injuries most often occur due to overexertion or repeated strain on the body. Older people are the most susceptible to MSKIs, and it can be both painful and debilitating. Physical therapy’s purpose with MSKIs is to strengthen the injured area and help impart proper techniques so that area doesn’t get injured again.
  • Chronic conditions — Chronic pain can come from a number of sources, including accidents or injuries, past health conditions, and infections. Medication can help on a short-term basis, but if you want long-term relief you need to treat the source of the pain. The purpose of physical therapy in chronic conditions is to slowly increase flexibility and strength while at the same time reducing overall pain.

You may not have to live with long-term pain. At Border Therapy Services, we treat all kinds of conditions. Our licensed physical therapists can develop a customized treatment plan specific to your needs and physical limitations. With a combination of proven techniques, exercises and equipment, they can help you work toward a better quality of life.

Call us or request an appointment today to start working toward the mobility you want to have.