4 conditions that can cause nerve pain in your ankle

Are you experiencing nerve pain in your ankle? You’d be about 1 out of every 10 adults who experience some type of nerve pain. This type of pain can be disruptive to your everyday life and seriously impact your quality of life. You might feel as if you can’t perform the same activities you’re used to doing. Maybe it’s difficult to get up and walk on your foot or ankle. Does this sound like something you’re going through? You should be sure to read more about the conditions you might be dealing with and what can help you.

What are the potential causes of nerve pain in your ankle?

Potential causes of nerve pain in the ankle include: 

  • Tarsal tunnel syndromeTarsal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition that involves the compression of the posterior tibial nerve. The compression of this nerve can cause nerve pain in the ankle and foot. It usually develops as a result of an old injury, swelling from an ankle sprain, fallen arches, bone spurs, or anything else that puts pressure on the nerve. This condition can make walking feel painful or uncomfortable and can feel worse with excessive activity and even inactivity.
  • Morton’s neuroma — Morton’s neuroma involves a group of tissue collecting around a nerve in the foot. The tissue forms around the nerve that leads to the toes and can cause pain or discomfort when using the toes. It most often develops as a result of irritation, trauma, or frequent pressure being placed on the nerve. Morton’s neuroma is more likely to develop in women than in men and typically occurs in people 30 to 60 years of age. 
  • Baxter’s nerve entrapmentBaxter’s nerve entrapment primarily involves nerve pain in the ankles as a result of pressure on the inferior calcaneal nerve. This condition can lead to frequently occurring pain on the inside of the heel or underneath the heel. The symptoms of Baxter’s nerve entrapment typically worsen with excessive activity. People who develop Baxter’s nerve entrapment usually wear shoes with poor support or walk with their feet rolling inward.
  • Peroneal neuropathy — A person with common peroneal nerve dysfunction, also known as peroneal neuropathy, is likely to experience nerve pain in the ankle. They’re also likely to experience a limited range of motion in the leg and foot. This condition is typically caused by traumatic injuries and placing frequent pressure on the nerve whether by crossing the legs or wearing clothes that compress the legs. Peroneal neuropathy is usually characterized by difficulty walking, dragging the feet, slapping the feet when walking, and loss of sensation in the foot and leg.

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How can a condition that causes nerve pain in your ankle be effectively treated?

While there are many conditions that can cause nerve pain in your ankle, there are also many treatment options that may be able to provide relief. It’s worth considering each of the treatment options listed below. You may find that using two or more of the treatment methods below at the same time may be more effective than trying just one.

  • Going to physical therapy — One of the most effective treatments for conditions causing nerve pain in the ankle is physical therapy. A physical therapist can guide you through exercises and movements designed to alleviate any pressure on the nerves within your feet and legs. They’ll help you build strength and reduce inflammation so that you experience less pain and discomfort. Physical therapists are experts in the conditions that can affect a person’s physical health and use intentional movements to help alleviate uncomfortable symptoms.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication — Certain types of medication, like NSAIDs, can reduce inflammation and pain for brief periods of time and provide you with a window to rest comfortably. 
  • Wearing supportive footwear — Many of these conditions can develop as a result of not wearing shoes that keep your feet properly supported. Wearing the right kind of shoes could help alleviate some of the pressure on your feet and help your symptoms.

Border Therapy Services can help alleviate the nerve pain in your ankle

Border Therapy Services wants to help you manage any foot, ankle and nerve conditions you may be struggling with. Not only that, but we want to help you prevent those problems from occurring again. If you feel pain in your ankle that makes it hard to carry out your daily activities, you should seek the services of a physical therapist. We provide expert care to help you find relief. At Border TS, we can help treat your condition so that you can get back to doing what you love.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment with one of our knowledgeable specialists.

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